We are about to restart the conferences — on-line.
‘Psychology and writing: Part 1 — How to write three-dimensional characters and not lose the plot’
Half-day-day Spring Conference and Workshop
led by Alison Morgan RMN (ex-mental health professional and
member of the Crime Writers Association) and Dr John Lockley
On-line, Wed April 14th 2021 2pm-5.30pm
For Medics, Allied Health Professionals and Students.
Non-members welcome
A vibrant afternoon mix of mini-talks, exercises and interactive work, looking at:
- how to create three-dimensional characters
- depicting realistic mental health scenarios
- the importance of ‘show, don’t tell’
- discussing bullying and manipulation both in real-life and in fiction
- understanding and teaching about mental illness through the medium of fiction.
Discussion and Q & A will feature throughout the afternoon. There will also be time for networking (on-line).
Conference programme
Booking form
We hope to be able to stage the second part of this conference
in a few weeks’ time, to include
how to write accurately about psychological disorders; how the probation services deal with those with mental problems,
and ‘Clinical Psychology formulation: putting the pieces together‘.
Draft :30-10:00 Arrival and gathering for 10:00 am start. Coffee, tea.
Application form