About the Society — and membership

DO JOIN our lively writing group — you will be warmly welcomed. We have members from across the UK, and beyond, all from medical, nursing and allied professions. Some of us are just beginners, others are published authors… and all stages in between. We love to write, whether it’s fiction, poetry or about all manner of medical and academic matters.

Recently the whole direction of the SOMW has changed: the advent of high-quality self-publication means that getting published can now be entirely under your own control. To see just how numerous and ground-breaking are the opportunities, do look at our Chair’s summary of the new opportunities opening up for medical writers. In addition we have our:-

JOURNAL: Twice-yearly our editorial team produce our journal, “The Writer“, to which any member can contribute a piece of writing.  Themes are wide-ranging, from anything you write concerning medicine and health care, including medical and academic essays to short stories and non-fiction, humorous tales, or poems.

ON-LINE POETRY FORUM: We have a moderated, on-line Poetry Forum which is a members-only Google-Group for sharing poetry we have written and to comment constructively on each other’s work.


COMPETITIONS: Members can submit their writing efforts to our twice-yearly competitions. There are now five categories: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, Academic and those for the 18-25 age group.   PRIZES are presented at the two conferences.  Winners and best entries are published in “The Writer“.

CONFERENCES and WRITING WORKSHOPS: We meet together face to face twice a year at our conferences (Covid permitting, of course). Non-members are also welcome. If we are unable to meet in person, we will always try to substitute it with an on-line conference.
Normally we have a one-day conference in the Spring, in London. Our autumn conference from a Friday to Sunday is held at different venues across the country, chosen to facilitate travelling for as many as possible.  Each physical conference has a theme, invited speakers, writing workshops, prizes, a chance to catch up with friends, and are a lot of fun! Recent themes have included: “Creativity and Mental Health”; “Why write, what and how?”; and “Improving our writing and gaining confidence”.

We are also interspersing these physical events with on-line half-day meetings, usually around a specific subject.

ON-LINE DISCUSSIONS: we have three private listservers which allow members to discuss various aspects of medical writing: the general listserver, useful for general discussion, announcements and queries; the poetry listserver; and one for budding playwrights and screenwriters.

TECHNICAL MATTERS. These are teaching sessions,  ranging from developing a high-quality style of writing to learning how to get published, or how to create an academic paper to the very highest standards.

If you would like to read our Constitution, please click on this link.

There are two ways to join the SOMW:

Download and complete  the application form,  and either post it with a cheque to our Membership Secretary / Finance Officer, Dr Julian Randall, Society of Medical Writers, Acre Rise Cottage, Upper Lodestone, Claverley,  WOLVERHAMPTON  WV5 7DH, or alternatively email it to moldywarp@doctors.org.uk and pay by BACS to The Society of Medical Writers (SOMW) ACCOUNT, Barclays 83304337, and Sort code 20 45 45, using the Reference: your name+join

ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS (claimable as an expense against medical earnings):
Standard Membership £50; Dual Membership £60; Retired Member £45; Dual Retired Members £50;
Nursing & Ancillary Professions £30;
Students £15

Overseas: Additional charge for Journal postage £ 7.50